Slimline POD

-Dry Heat Temperature -LED System -Aromas -Massage Vibration -Cool Facial Air -Wake Up Alarm


The SlimLine Pod encourages relaxation and helps relieve stress by providing aroma therapy and massage. Whole body LED light therapy emits wavelengths of light that can be absorbed by the skin. Light therapy stimulates blood flow, encourages tissue repair that may counteract the effects of aging and has been used to treat acne and seasonal affective disorder.
1 Session: $10 | 1 Month: $50
The SlimLine Pod integrates heat and LED light therapy for a complete weight management and total body wellness system.
The capsule is a traditional dry heat sauna. The bed of the capsule is also heated & vibrates according to your personal preference. The Pod is capable of reaching up to 178ËšF. There is no moisture involved and your head is not inside the machine.
The Pod is also equipped with LED lights. Each light combination serves a different purpose that can range from collagen reformation, detoxification, acne treatment, and treatment of fine lines & wrinkles.
Key Benefits
• Increases your metabolism
• Stimulates circulation
• Increases your metabolic rate
• Reduces stress, aches and pains
• Incorporates LED Light Therapy
• Increases energy
• Firms skin while reducing fine lines & wrinkles
• Collagen reformation
• Cleanses your body with a detox process
• Helps to relax the mind and body
Slimline Pod Programs:
Facilitates natural skin cleansing and tightens the skin tissues utilizing specialized LED light waves (red and yellow LEDs), along with therapeutic dry heat. While relaxing, the skin detoxifies, and eliminates excess fluids.
This pre-set program starts to increase heat for acclimatization and progressively increases metabolism and subsequently burns more calories. Vibration stimulates the movements of muscle and tissue and helps to relieve stress and enhance circulation.
To contour and pay attention to areas of concern such as cellulite, while heat continues to raise the metabolic rate, which by using body wraps and products will help to contour and tone the body and encourage inch loss.
*Core Strength
High heat at the maximum of 178º F (81º C) to increase metabolic rate, burn a maximum of calories, continue to detoxify the body from impurities, excess fluid and toxins and improve blood and lymphatic circulation.
*Obesity Primary 20%
Maximum dry heat setting at 178º F (81º C) to continue to raise the basal metabolic rate. Burns calories, detoxifies, improves cardiovascular efficiency, and stimulates circulation with specialized intense red and yellow LED light. Vibration mimics exercise and stimulates the movements of the muscles and tissues.
*Over Weight 5%
This treatment will provide intense moisturization, toning and relaxation, along with a mild cleansing to help release toxins.
*Over Weight 10%
Raises basal metabolic rate, increases toxin elimination and decreases tissue fluid retention. The skin is left rejuvenated and energy levels are boosted.
*Over Weight 15%
This treatment will increase metabolism, refine the silhouette by tightening the skin and facilitating water excess loss. Great inch loss treatment combined with special compression wrap.
*Tissue Tightening
To firm and tighten the entire body utilizing specialized LED light waves, along with therapeutic dry heat. Improves skin elasticity, rejuvenates and smoothes out fine lines and wrinkles and stimulates collagen and elastin renewal.
Facilitates natural skin cleansing with yellow LEDs. Detoxification will help lose water, fluid excess, toxins and impurities. This is a great treatment to start a weight loss programme.
Prevents signs of aging by hydrating and conditioning the skin, while improving the tone and texture of the entire body and face utilizing specialized LED light waves, along with therapeutic dry heat.
*Healing Accelerator
Soothes and improves skin texture. Increases circulation within the entire body while rejuvenating and invigorating thanks to the dry heat and red LEDs.
*Maintain Set Point
Increases slow metabolism until the body starts to lower its "set point". Increases calorie consumption, improves cardiovascular efficiency and stimulates senses with LEDs, vibration bed and aromatherapy.
*Body Contouring
To contour, firm and tone the silhouette, thanks to the red LEDs by stimulating collagen and the elastin renewal process. Vibration mimics exercise and stimulates the movements of the muscles and tissues.